Sunday, December 4, 2011

Asia Trip Update

Quick update on the Asia trip. It’s been really cool to watch God work through this process. We raised just over $5,200 of the necessary $6000 to fund the trip. Thanks so much to all of you who donated!

Here’s the coolest thing though. We’ve been reading about George Muller with Lydia. For those of you who are unfamiliar. George Muller ran several orphanages in England in the early 1800s. They cared for thousands of orphans and the upkeep of the homes they ran cost many thousand pounds per year. But George never asked for a donation and never went into debt. Often they went without knowing where the money would come from for their next meal, but money always appeared in the form of unsolicited donations.

Today Lydia was questioning us about our expenses for the trip and we were able to share with her that God had provided the funds for our trip and that even today someone had anonymously donated $200 to help fund it. She immediately said, ‘God provided for you just like He did for George Muller and the orphans. God answered our prayers.”

Anyway, thanks to all of you both known and anonymous who have unknowingly taught our kids about God’s love for the needy and his provision for ministry. It’s a priceless lesson that we could have taught them no other way.