Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So Why Write a Blog

I've been kicking around writing a blog for a while and have held off until now for a couple reasons. First, I wasn't sure I had anything of value to say. I have a lot swirling around in my noggin but I'm never sure that those ideas are things people want to read about. Second, I believe there's a danger in current trends in social networking and the bloggosphere. That danger is that people can get online, get a big head, and spout any kind of trash for others to read. Others read these ideas and take them as realities perpetuating their inaccuracies.

In addition to the aforementioned concerns I worry about my own tendency to get wrapped up in the concerns of the day. Anyone who has seen my posts on Facebook knows full well that I have a tendency to focus on the negative. The reality is I am very passionate about a ot of things and I like to talk about them. I try to make postings that will stimulate conversation however most of the time I get either no response or only surface reaction rather than dialogue. Facebook isn't really very good at facilitating discussion however which brings me to the reason for writing the blog. My hope is that by posting my ideas here that the people who take the time to read them will be more likely to respond and dialogue about them.

As for content, the title of the blog says it all. While I'm passionate about several topics none more so than that of my faith. Recently I read a post of Facebook by a homosexual acquaintance of mine who stated "You either believe we're equal or you don't". I thought about that statement for a while because of course, I don't support much of the homosexual agenda but I wondered if that automatically makes me an enemy of the average homosexual. I don't wish to be enemies of course, but increasingly I feel like as a Christian, my faith puts me at odds with more and more of society.

I don't intend for this to be a commentary on homosexuality but instead a commentary on society, how it relates to God and how I as a Christian relate to God and society. I can't help but notice that the homophobia of the past has been replaced with theophobia (the fear / hatred of God)of the present.

So this long winded explanation is to say that I consider myself a theophile, or a lover of God. As a lover of God, I find myself increasingly out of place in this world. This blog is a place where I Will try to take the words that I read in my bible and to relate them to the world around me to try and make sense of it all. I welcome you to come along if you choose.

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