Writing my blog is so easy here because every day I'm having these amazing experiences. I had been thinking about how I hear God speaking so clearly to me here, every day, all the time. I had thought to myself that God was shouting at me in Cambodia. I thought, God speaks in America, but he shouts in SE Asia. Then today while I was reading I came across this verse:
The Lord their God is with them; the shout of the King is among them. NumbersNow this verse is speaking of God being like the king of the Israelites as He leads them into battle. His shout is intended to rally them to accomplish His purposes. But this verse struck me because if God was there shouting to the Israelites, how much more so now among His people bought by Jesus.
Guys, I've often heard people say that they can't hear God's voice.; I have said this myself. Here's what I know now. God isn't speaking to you. HE'S SHOUTING AT YOU!!!
The shout of the king is among us! I hear it so clearly here. Pastor Rad was talking about how its easy to hear His voice here because we're living on faith. We've stepped out and are doing things that are outside our comfort zone. Most importantly we're serving those who are close to God's heart and when you do that God ALWAYS shows up.
So my question to you today is, do you hear the shout of the King? If you don't, something is very wrong. If you want to hear it, I have an easy solution. Step out in faith and do
something crazy for God. It doesn't have to involve traveling around the world. Find someone in need and meet that need on God's behalf. As you set aside the things that distract you from Him and focus on the things close to His heart, the shout of the King will grow louder and louder.
Spent the day at the GROW home today. Games, food, painted a mural, moved a couple tons of sand to the play area one bucket at a time! Then all the kids came to the hotel for a swimming party. Tonight we took the kids to the equivelant of a super Walmart in Chiang Mai. We had money to spend on each one of them. The kids had never been to the mall. Ever. Of course we immediately took the kids to the toy aisle thinking that was where all the money would be spent. But the kids were uninterested. They wanted clothes. So they were taken to the clothing section. All the kids bought clothes. They were very concered that they were going to overspend, they wanted to make sure that there was money left to save. needless to say I was a bit dumbfounded.
Can I just say...the food here ROCKS! Oh my gosh, its so stinkin' good! Ate at Fa's house last two meals. If I eat another I might not come home, I'm just sayin'.
The shout of the king is among us! I hear it so clearly here. Pastor Rad was talking about how its easy to hear His voice here because we're living on faith. We've stepped out and are doing things that are outside our comfort zone. Most importantly we're serving those who are close to God's heart and when you do that God ALWAYS shows up.
So my question to you today is, do you hear the shout of the King? If you don't, something is very wrong. If you want to hear it, I have an easy solution. Step out in faith and do
something crazy for God. It doesn't have to involve traveling around the world. Find someone in need and meet that need on God's behalf. As you set aside the things that distract you from Him and focus on the things close to His heart, the shout of the King will grow louder and louder.
Spent the day at the GROW home today. Games, food, painted a mural, moved a couple tons of sand to the play area one bucket at a time! Then all the kids came to the hotel for a swimming party. Tonight we took the kids to the equivelant of a super Walmart in Chiang Mai. We had money to spend on each one of them. The kids had never been to the mall. Ever. Of course we immediately took the kids to the toy aisle thinking that was where all the money would be spent. But the kids were uninterested. They wanted clothes. So they were taken to the clothing section. All the kids bought clothes. They were very concered that they were going to overspend, they wanted to make sure that there was money left to save. needless to say I was a bit dumbfounded.
Can I just say...the food here ROCKS! Oh my gosh, its so stinkin' good! Ate at Fa's house last two meals. If I eat another I might not come home, I'm just sayin'.
Night market in Chiang Mai
GROW Kids![]()
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